The Mendacity of China, CuckooCavuto & NeverTrumpers, May 2020 – 59 min

Very cool and informative broadcast with Mallory Millett, Politick Rick and Liz Latina on Fire. We get into the mendacity of China and what the hell they are thinking. What is it about that culture, where they take lying to an art form. Fox’s Cavuto does the shell game with viewers, spewing falsehoods and on his campaign to become the poster child for the NeverTrump crowd. Speaking of NeverTrumpers, we will put our psychological hats on and play doctor to diagnose the never trump movement of misfits. This is the sixth time out for #MyVoice, and it gets more interesting each time. Free Speech is alive and well at America Out Loud.

Mallory Millett, CFO and a long-standing director of the David Horowitz Freedom Center – Repentant Leftie; Unrepentant Conservative. Politick Rick – CEO Giant Slayers LLC, Journalist, Truth Warrior & Free Speech Extremist. Latina on Fire, Liz Cabrera, a Retired Professional Photographer, born in Cuba and came at the age of 6 years old to escape Communism with her family and she says this is why she is so DEPLORABLE.

The original broadcast can be found at:

Mallory Millett resides in New York City with her husband of over twenty years.  CFO for several corporations, she is a longstanding Director of The David Horowitz Freedom Center and sits on the Board of Regents for the Center for Security Policy.

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