Two Great Hoaxes: Climate Change and Packing the Supreme Court, April 29 2021 – 55 min

The Administration is all in on climate change. They are destroying our energy independence and thousands of jobs. Gas prices continue to rise, and the Green New Deal Monster is breathing down our necks. At the same time, Democrats want to pack the Supreme Court with four more justices of the Progressive persuasion. Oh, my, what are we doing in America? Ava Armstrong, Mallory Millett, and Linda Martinelli will pull no punches in this lively conversation as the Ladies of Liberty Sound Off. You’re gonna love this!

Ladies of Liberty

In this unsettled world, we as women play a most important role in history as peacemakers at this time and place. Our goal is to affect women’s lives in an empowering way through a discussion of the important issues of the day. Women have unheralded yet unlimited power and come from a place of love and compromise, common sense, faith, and unyielding wisdom. Women are the defining force that will calm the winds of chaos and violence and earth’s greatest advocates for peace.

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